Concentric microdialysis probes
(standard plastic inlet & outlet)
142   Gloucester   Place
London, NW1 6DT, U.K.
Tel +44 (0) 207 723 1202
Fax +44 (0) 207 723 3013

M0-Hx  Specifications
 Membrane (H)  AN69 from Hospal Ltd. (35-40 KDa cutoff; 0.32 mm o.d.) 
 Probes using other membranes can be supplied
 (subject to availability)
 Membrane length  x mm (2 mm standard)
 Stainless steel body   15 mm in length (0.8 mm o.d.)
 Inlet & outlet   Polyethylene tubes (0.61 mm o.d. & 0.28 mm i.d.) 
 50 and 30 mm in length for inlet and outlet, respectively
 Internal silica tubes  150 µm o.d. & 75 µm i.d.
Conventional microdialysis