Microdialysis Probe Assembler
Partly-Assembled Probes
142   Gloucester   Place
London, NW1 6DT, U.K.
Tel +44 (0) 207 723 1202
Fax +44 (0) 207 723 3013

Microdialysis Probe Assembler, especially designed to reduce drastically the time required to prepare microdialysis probes. Optimum time-saving is achieved when it is used with our partly-assembled probes. Visit the User Manuals section for more details.
Part No  MPA

Extra probe holder, for users who wish to prepare batches of more than 5 probes.
Part No  MPA-H

Set of 4 high quality instruments: straight forceps with round tip, fine straight tweezers, front-cutting tweezers, spring scissors.
Part No  MPA-T

Pack of 10 partly-assembled probes (stainless steel body + internal silica tubes).
Part No  MPA-10.x
x = Size of the dialysis fibre in mm.

Components necessary to build 10 probes (epoxy resin; dialysis fibre; plastic tubes, Blue TackTM, needles)
Part No  MPA-10.Xx
x = Size of the dialysis fibre in mm
X = Dialysis fibre type: H, HospalTM; C, CuprophanTM; P, polyethersulphone (cannot be supplied in pre-cut length)

Starting Kit: Consisting of MPA, MPA-T, MPA-10.x, MPA-10.Xx, and one finished probe (M0-Xx) to be used as model
Part No  MPA-K.Xx
x = Size of the dialysis fibre in mm
X = Dialysis fibre type: H, HospalTM; C, CuprophanTM; P, polyethersulphone (not supplied in pre-cut length)

Pack of 20 partly-assembled probes (stainless steel body + internal silica tubes)
Part No  MPA-20.x
x = Size of the dialysis fibre in mm

Components necessary to build 20 probes (epoxy resin; dialysis fibre; plastic tubes, Blue TackTM, needles)
Part No  MPA-20.Xx
x = Size of the dialysis fibre in mm
X = Dialysis fibre type: H, HospalTM; C, CuprophanTM; P, polyethersulphone (not supplied in pre-cut length)